CICIND Paris / October 2013 – Martin Atkins, Acquisition and Project Manager, Züblin Chimney and Refractory / Barbara van Spronsen, Marketing and Publicity Manager, Hadek Protective Systems
Amercentrale 9 Power Station in the Netherlands discovered an unexpected problem in the lower 75 m of the chimney in 1996. The brick liner was under heavy attack from highly acidic flue gas condensate. The condensate was permeating the ceramic brick and threatening to attack the concrete structure itself. The problem was solved by the installation of PennguardTM Block Lining System onto the brick surface directly. In 2013, the owner Essent decided to eliminate the reheater and to operate “wet stack”. After 15 years of service the PennguardTM lining in the lower part of the chimney appears to be in excellent condition. Essent chose PennguardTM linings again now to seal the complete brick flue.
Read more about the situation at Amercentrale 9 Power Station as well as the work scope in the complete paper.