Five ideas to make Power Station Chimneys more economical and more environmentally efficient

CICIND Virtual Conference 2020 – Albert de Kreij, Sales Director, Hadek Protective Systems bv

Fos­sil fi­red po­wer sta­tions worldwide are ex­posed to in­cre­a­sing pres­su­re to ope­ra­te with maxi­mum ef­fi­cien­cy and mi­ni­mum emis­sions. A po­wer sta­tion built in 2020 is sig­ni­fi­cantly more ef­fi­ci­ent, both eco­no­mi­cal­ly and en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly, than a po­wer sta­tion built in 2000, 1980, or 1960. In spi­te of the­se tech­ni­cal le­aps, chim­neys to­day are es­sen­ti­al­ly the same as for­ty ye­ars ago, ex­cept for the fact that they use dif­fe­rent ma­te­ri­als of con­struc­tion for their in­ter­nal flues.

This paper will sug­gest five con­cepts that should be con­si­de­red when any new chim­ney is built, ei­ther for a new po­wer sta­tion or for an exis­ting po­wer sta­tion that is being mo­der­ni­zed:

  • FGD Wet Stack
  • New Chim­ney De­sign
  • We­tRea­dy Gui­de Va­ne™
  • Top Diffusor™
  • Chimney > li­ning pla­ced in the 45ºHigh Ve­lo­ci­ty Pat­tern™