HadekTM linings for new steel chimneys /steel chimney flues
Resistant to a range of operating conditions, including FGD operation
Compatible with a variety of construction methods
Its low weight makes the HadekTM Block Lining System compatible with a variety of construction methods. These linings can be installed in completely erected steel chimneys / flues or they can be applied to steel segments (cans) at ground level first, prior to erection. The chimney flue is then erected by welding the pre-lined cans together (see Project Report Pha Lai Power Station) or by using bolted flange connections (see Project Report Tanjung Bin Power Station). Only the field welds or flange areas are lined after erection.
Borosilicate glass block linings are also used to protect free-standing steel chimneys. HadekTM linings are strongly insulating, so no external insulation is needed, which eliminates the risk of potential severe corrosion hazards by leaking external insulation (see Project Report Sadara Power Station).
Virtually no maintenance
The Hadek Block Lining System can withstand high temperatures and thermal shock, and can handle a wide range of operating conditions. HadekTM linings are durable and built to last with minimal maintenance, potentially for decades.
Wondering where Hadek has installed borosilicate glass block linings? View our projects.
Interested in the operating performance of borosilicate glass block lined steel chimneys in FGD Wet Stacks at 4 US power plants?
– For full report