Let’s be practical about this: how to install 18,263 m² of PennguardTM linings to a high quality standard, on schedule, under challenging local conditions
Hongsa Power Station is located in a remote, mountainous landscape with a tropical climate and frequent, torrential rain showers. The PennguardTM Block Lining System is a high performance lining technology for FGD chimneys, which if correctly installed, offers a service life of 30 years or more.
How could the true potential of the PennguardTM lining system be realized under the difficult conditions surrounding the Hongsa project? The EPC contractor for Hongsa, CNEEC, prepared for this challenge in close cooperation with Hadek’s technical team.
1 – A strong and safe platform, with fast hoists
CNEEC made sure that access to the steel flue walls was provided in a safe and reliable manner to allow good work flow.
2 – Strong temporary roofs
To keep even torrential rains out at nearly all times, CNEEC installed temporary steel roofs on the tops of the steel flues.
3 – Grit blasting and primer application in step-by-step fashion
To ensure that all grit blasted steel surfaces would maintain their cleanliness and not be attacked by flash rusting, the contractor cleaned, and primer-coated, grit blasted areas at the end of each shift, followed by removal of blasting dust from all primer-coated surfaces, before the start of the installation of the PennguardTM lining.
4 – A well trained crew
CNEEC selected a group of 24 installers who were trained by Hadek’s on site Quality Assurance Inspectors, to install PennguardTM linings to the highest quality standard. As Hadek’s QA Inspectors were on site virtually full time, it was possible to keep monitoring the installer’s work technique, and make adjustments as necessary.
5 – A steady work schedule
Working in 2 shifts of 12 hours per day, and with an average of 10 installers on the platform, the installation of the PennguardTM linings took 48 days for each of the three flues.
Success in the real world: how a great lining technology is made effective through consistent on site Quality Assurance
Between its offices in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), Hadek maintains a group of 14 experienced QA Inspectors, who provide global technical support to PennguardTM lining installations like the one at Hongsa Power Station.
The on site presence of Hadek’s QA Inspectors gives owners and designers the assurance that the PennguardTM lining system is installed in accordance with all technical recommendations, making it a reliable, effective, virtually maintenance free corrosion protection for decades.
In addition, the involvement of Hadek’s QA Inspectors presents the opportunity for EPC contractors and specialized civil and chimney contractors to carefully plan the equipment and resources that they will need for the chimney lining installation.
Another very important element, especially on remote project sites, is manpower planning. Hadek’s customers frequently organize their own installation crews.Subsequently their personnel are instructed and trained by the Hadek QA Supervisors. This eliminates the need to “fly in” highly skilled workers from far away places, reducing project cost and adding some much needed flexibility.
The large PennguardTM installation at Hongsa Power Station was supervised by a rotating team of 9 Hadek QA Inspectors. Hadek Inspectors were present on the Hongsa site for a combined period of 369 days. They monitored all surface preparation and lining works using a detailed, step-by-step Inspection and Test Plan (“ITP”). After the successful completion of the works, Hadek issued full QA records as well as a long term, single source limited warranty.