West Burton power station

Large coal fired power station in England uses PennguardTM linings for its new FGD chimneys

As one of the first in Europe, the power industry of the United Kingdom has been fully liberalised. This has created opportunities for private companies, to invest in both new and existing power stations. London Power Company, a subsidiary of London Electricity, owns the 4 x 500 MW West Burton Power Station on the river Trent, in the eastern central part of England. All four units of West Burton Power Station will be retrofitted with flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plants and new chimneys.

The four units of West Burton Power Station fire a local, english coal. The sulphur content of this coal ranges between 1.7 and 2.8 %. The installation of FGD plants will not only ensure, that current British regulations are met, but they will also prepare West Burton Power Station for the strict, European Union regulations that will become effective in 2008.


As a merchant power plant on a liberalised market, the units of West Burton Power Station are subject to a flexible operating regime. During the winter season, the units operate in base load service. At other times of the year, especially in summer, they often operate on a “two-shifting” schedule, which calls for daily starts and stops. Typically all systems of the power station, including the FGD plants, will go through ca. 200 start-ups per year.

A consortium of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) and FLS miljø (Denmark) was selected for the turnkey delivery of the four identical FGD plants. The wet limestone FGD plants will have an SO₂ removal efficiency of 94 %. Each FGD system includes a rotating gas-to-gas heater, which reheats the treated gas stream to a temperature of ca. 88 °C.

In conjunction with the FGD retrofit, West Burton Power Station will be equipped with new chimneys, as well. Each of the new chimneys is 200 m high and contains two, 6 metre diametre steel flues. The four steel flues are protected internally by the PennguardTM Block Lining System.